Welcome to the Chair of Digital Innovation and Entrepreneurship
The Chair of Digital Innovation and Entrepreneurship investigates digital user experiences, innovation, and business models with the goal of better understanding and helping to shape the impact of technological change on individuals, organizations, and our society.
I recently had the pleasure of attending the PACIS Conference 2024 in Vietnam, and it was an exciting and enriching experience. The conference provided a wonderful opportunity to connect with researchers from Asia and around the world, fostering a global exchange of ideas and knowledge in the field of information systems.
One of the highlights of the conference for me was participating in the Digital Healthcare session. This special session allowed me to present my research to my fellow scholars and engage in a fruitful discussion on my topics. The feedback and insights I received were invaluable and helped me refine my work and broaden my perspective.
I am particularly grateful to the organizers for their hard work and dedication in making this event a success. A special thanks goes to my fellow researcher Ricardo Rubiano Cruz and track chair Arnob Zahid for their support and contributions.
Overall, the PACIS 2024 conference was a memorable experience that contributed significantly to my academic journey. I look forward to attending future conferences and continuing to collaborate with researchers from around the world.