Prof. Dr. Steffi Haag
Building: 37.05
Floor/room: 04.008
40210 Düsseldorf Nordrhein-Westfalen
Prof. Dr. Steffi Haag
Graf-Adolf-Str. 63 Building: 37.05
Floor/room: 04.008
40210 Düsseldorf Nordrhein-Westfalen
- Professor of Digital Innovation and Entrepreneurship at Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf (HHU)
- Researcher with successful 12yrs experience in Information Systems (IS) working at renowned universities in Germany, Finland, and the USA
- Author of peer-reviewed publications in highly ranked IS journals and conference proceedings, including MIS Quarterly
- Teacher of designing and managing digital innovation, digital user experiences, and digital business models
- Presenter, moderator, track chair, and editor at leading national and international IS conferences (e.g., ICIS, ECIS, WI)
- Associate editor of Business & Information Systems Engineering
- Co-Founder of the “WI-Frauenfrühstück” and financial officer of the WI-Frauen
- Interests in the design and management of digital experiences and business models, esp. in shadow IT use, usable cybersecurity, digital idea and innovation, and sustainable user experiences
- Expertise on a broad range of theoretical as well as quantitative, qualitative, and mixed-methods research, including experimental, (factorial) survey, and interview methods
Grants, Awards, and Honors (selected):
- Hermann Gutmann Award for special scientific achievements 2023 for the publication "Deviant Affordances: When Tensions, Deadlocks, and Nonconformance Generate Performance”
- Schöller Fellow 2020
- HMD Best Paper Award 2018 for the article "Digitale Zwillinge – Eine explorative Fallstudie zur Untersuchung von Geschäftsmodellen" (together with Robin Klostermeier and Alexander Benlian)
- Research Award in Data Protection and Data Security 2017 of the German Association for Data Protection and Data Security (GDD)
- Dissertation Prize 2017 of the Association of Nuremberg Tax Consultations (Nürnberger Steuergespräche e.V.)
- TU Darmstadt postdoctoral fellowship for female researchers (Aug 16 – Jul 18)
- Deloitte foundation fellowship (Oct 09 – Sep 11)
Publications (selected):
- Haag, S.; Eckhardt, A.; Venkatesh, V. (2022) "Deviant Affordances: When Tensions, Deadlocks, and Nonconformance Generate Performance," MIS Quarterly (46:4), pp. 2111-2162.
- Haag, S.; Siponen, M.; Liu, F. (2021) "Protection Motivation Theory in Information Systems Security Research: A Review of the Past and a Road Map for the Future" The Data Base for Advances in Information Systems (52:2), pp. 25-67.
- Haag, S.; Eckhardt, A.; Schwarz, A. (2019) “The Acceptance of Justifications among Shadow IT Users and Nonusers – An Empirical Analysis,” Information & Management (56:5), pp. 731-741.
- Haag, S.; Eckhardt, A. (2017) “Shadow IT,” Business Information Systems Engineering (59:6), pp. 469–473,.
- Haag, S.; Eckhardt, A.; Bozoyan, C. (2015) “Are Shadow System Users the Better IS Users? – Insights of a Lab Experiment,“ in Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2015), Fort Worth.
- Haag, S.; Eckhardt, A. (2014) “Organizational Cloud Service Adoption: A Scientometric and Content-based Literature Analysis,” Journal of Business Economics (84:3), pp. 407–440.