Digital Innovation: From Idea to Impact
This course is designed for future founders, CTOs (Chief Technology Officers), and anyone who wants to know how to develop technology-based innovations and bring them to market in startups and large companies.
- By means of a lecture and practical applications, the processes, knowledge, and tools required to turn an idea into a concrete marketable product with appeal to the target group and a sustainable impact on business and society are taught.
- Through group projects, students apply the tools and methods to create and evaluate their own digital ideas, translate them into a digital product, and design a prototype.
- Examples and case studies from various fields will be covered.
- Guest speakers from the regional and/or national innovation ecosystem share their experiences.
You can register for the course via LSF. Further details on the structure and course material will be announced in ILIAS in due time.
After completing the course, students are able to:
- Create, develop, analyze, and evaluate digital innovations,
- Model, analyze, and discuss digital business models and their components
- Implement and evaluate digital innovation in prototypes,
- Present and evaluate group results in front of peers and experts, and
- Provide feedback.
- Allmendinger, M.; Horstmann, M.; Horstmann, O.: Digitale Innovationen entwickeln. Die besten Ansätze und Methoden. Haufe Lexware GmbH, 2020.
- Osterwalder, A; Pigneur, Y.: Business Model Generation: A Handbook for Visionaries, Game Changers, and Challengers. John Wiley & Sons, 2010. 1st edition
- Tidd, J; Bessant, J. R.: Managing Innovation: Integrating Technological, Market and Organizational Change.
- Wiley, 2020. 7th edition
Elective Area in the Bachelor's Program in Computer Science (PO 2021)
Elective and focus area in the Bachelor's program in Computer Science (PO 2013 and PO 2016)
Minor subject in the Bachelor's program in Mathematics
Minor subject in the Bachelor's program in Physics
Minor subject in the Bachelor's program in Medical Physics
In general:
- Group presentation
- Written elaboration
Info for the schedule:
Lecture: Wednesdays 10:30 - 12:00, room number: 25.22.HS.5F
Exercise: Wednesdays 12:30 - 14:00, room number: 25.22.U1.72 & 25.22.U1.74 (The detailed procedure of the exercise will be explained in the lecture)